I am a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science and PhD council member at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) and Professor at Universidad de Guayaquil. My current research project is related to aspects concerning Stack Overflow usage.
[2015 – Present]: Ph.D. (c) in Computer Science at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) / Department of Mathematics and Computer Science / Software Engineering and Technology
Thesis: Undefined
Supervisors: Marck van den Brand and Alexander Serebrenik.
Grantee of: The Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT), with a Convocatoria Abierta 2013 - 2da Fase scholarship.
[2012 – 2014]: M.Sc. in Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems at Universitat Politècnica de València / Dept. of Computer Systems and Computation / Software Engineering and Information Systems.
Thesis (in spanish): SOA2Cloud: Un marco de trabajo para la migración de aplicaciones SOA a Cloud siguiendo una aproximación dirigida por modelos.
Supervisor: Emilio Insfran
Grantee of: The Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT), with a Convocatoria Abierta 2011 scholarship.
[2004 – 2010]: B.Sc. in Computer Systems at Universidad Estatal de Milagro / Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería.
Thesis (in spanish): Implementación de un repositorio de datos y diseño de un modulo de gestión de material bibliográfico para la biblioteca DR. Paúl Ponce Rivadeneira de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro.
Supervisor: Richard Ramirez-Anormaliza
Is Stack Overflow in Portuguese attractive for Brazilian Users?
Miguel Botto-Tobar, Weslley Silva Torres, Angela Lozano, Bogdan Vasilescu, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 2018 (accepted).
A proposal for migrating SOA Applications to Cloud using Model-Driven Development
Miguel Botto-Tobar, and Emilio Insfran. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technology Trends. Babahoyo, Ecuador, 2017.
Migrating SOA Applications to Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study
Miguel Botto-Tobar, Richard Ramirez-Anormaliza, Lorenzo J. Cevallos-Torres, and Edwin Cevallos-Ayon. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technologies and Innovation. Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2017.
Clinical assessment using an algorithm based on Fuzzy c-means clustering
Alfonso Guijarro Rodriguez, Lorenzo J. Cevallos-Torres, Miguel Botto-Tobar, Maikel Leyva-Vazquez, and Jessica Yepez Holguin. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technologies and Innovation. Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2017.
Are Model-driven Techniques Used as a Means to Migrate SOA Applications to Cloud Computing?
Miguel Botto-Tobar, Javier González-Huerta, and Emilio Insfran. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for the analysis of mental models
Glenda Vera-Mora, Maikel Leyva-Vásquez, Joffre León-Acurio, and Miguel Botto-Tobar. In: Revista Espacios (Spanish version) (accepted).
Analysis of noise in training area of PMIASA Company Workshops - Guayaquil
Antonio Parra Freire, Pedro Noboa Romero, Carlos Campoverde Pillajo, and Miguel Botto-Tobar. In: Journal of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia e Investigación, 2(7), 15-22 (Spanish version).
Reliability and considerations of electronic voting, a global vision
Jussibeth Places Chungata, Edison Portilla López, Oscar León Granizo, and Miguel Botto-Tobar. In: Journal of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia e Investigación, 2(5), 26-38 (Spanish version).
Editor of Journal of Science and Research: Revista Ciencia e Investigación.